45 interesting facts about Ukraine

Fact #14
The world’s first kidney transplant operation was performed in Ukraine.

 The first human kidney transplant in history was performed by Ukrainian surgeon Yurii Voronyi on April 3, 1933 in Kharkiv. The future surgeon Yuriy Voronyi was born in 1896 in the village of Zhuravka in the Poltava Region. By the way, his father was the outstanding mathematician Georgy Fedosiyovych Voronyi.

 He received a higher medical education in Kyiv, after that he moved to Kharkiv to work. Among the interests of the department of surgery of the Kharkiv Medical Institute, where he worked, at that time were the problems of blood transfusion, as well as testicular transplantation.

Fact #15
Ukraine has the largest number of IT specialists in Europe.

 Ukraine took first place in Europe in terms of the number of IT specialists. As reported by the IT Outsoursing News portal, today more than 100 thousand Ukrainian programmers work in various companies, and the demand for IT specialists in the world market continues to grow.

 The number of IT specialists in Ukraine is the largest and fastest growing in Europe. It is expected that by 2020 the number of IT specialists in the country will approach the mark of 200 thousand.

Fact #16
Khreshchatyk Street is one of the shortest main streets of all countries.

 Khreschatyk is one of the shortest main streets of countries in the world. Its length is only 1.3 kilometers. It stretches along the stairs connecting Volodymyrsky Uzviz and Naberezhne Shose (near the monument to the Baptism of Russia).

 During the days of Kyivan Rus, the children of Kyiv Prince Volodymyr Svyatoslavich were baptized in the stream that flowed through the Khreshchaty Gorge, and in 988, near the confluence of this stream with the Pochaina River, a historic baptism of Kyivans took place. Since then, the entire surrounding area, including Post Square and part of Mykhailivska Gora, became known as the Khreshchatysk tract.

 Until 1869, the modern Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska Street had the name “Xreshchatyk” or Great Khreshchatytska Street, because, according to tradition, it was on this street that in 988 the people of Kyiv went to be baptized.