45 interesting facts about Ukraine

Fact #27
The Ukrainian language is one of the sweetest languages ​​in the world.

 The Ukrainian language is one of the sweetest languages ​​in the world. In 1934, at a linguistic congress in Paris, leading experts recognized the Ukrainian language as the third among all languages ​​(after French and Farsi) in terms of melody, lexical and phraseological richness, enormous word-forming possibilities, and syntactic flexibility.

 At a similar forum of linguists in Switzerland, where the main evaluation criteria were the euphonic system of the language, its melodiousness and melodiousness, the Ukrainian language was named second after Italian.

Fact #28
Ukrainian is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

 The Ukrainian language is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world (experts distinguish about 7,000 languages) and ranks 26th in terms of the number of speakers. It is also the second most widespread among languages ​​of Slavic origin after Russian.

 On the territory of Ukraine, more than 32 million people communicate fluently in the Ukrainian language. In terms of vocabulary, Belarusian is the closest to Ukrainian – 84% of the common vocabulary, followed by Polish and Serbian (70% and 68%, respectively) and only then Russian (62%).

 By the way, if we compare phonetics and grammar, Ukrainian has from 22 to 29 features in common with Belarusian, Czech, Slovak and Polish languages, and only 11 with Russian.


Fact #29
The national anthem of Ukraine consists of six lines.

 The International Ukrainian National Anthem consists of only six lines (four in verses and two in the chorus). The remaining lines of the anthem are considered politically incorrect. (for example, “Let’s stand up, brothers, in bloody battle from the Xiang to the Don” means Ukraine’s claims to the territory of Russia and another “neighbor”).